Professional Galvanic Beauty Machine (Portable).
Product code: caph029
Stock availability: In stock.
Warranty: 12 months.
$205 (incl GST).
Price does not include delivery.
Details of Description and use of the Galvanic Beauty Machine.
The treatment provided by the
Galvanic machine can be divided into two functions;
1. Iontophoresis- the use of the current to assist in deep penetration of product into the skin and body.
2. Deincrustation- clears the skin of acuminated oils, debris, and hardened sebum and softens the skin.
Galvanic machine is a low level and constant and direct current (has no break in the flow of electrons), that utilises positive and negative polarity to either draw out impurities or introduce water-soluble products into the skin.
Deep penetration of product into the skin and body. Clears the skin of acuminated oils, debris, and hardened sebum and softens the skin.
kit includes the Controller plus 1 roller, 1 ball and 1 positive electrode - metal rod to be held by the client.
Remove all jewellery, as the client cannot come in contact with any metal objects other than the positive electrode in one hand and the roller or ball been used by the therapist in the treatment area. Never treat the hand holding the positive electrode.
Treatments must never be preformed over varicose veins, pimples or broken skin or any areas of septic foci.
If the client experiences a Hot sensation during the treatment you must immediately but slowly reduce the current to zero and stop the treatment. To continue may induce a
Galvanic burn to the area.